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Showing posts from April, 2019

Back with my friend, Mont Royal

Back in October, I rolled my foot at home and snapped the 5th metatarsal.  I spent 2 weeks on crutches, the 7 more in a boot.  While in the boot, I went back to lifting instead of swimming biking and running.  After the boot came off, I began rehabbing the foot with cycling on trainer at home.  In the last 4 weeks I have been slowly adding walk running to workouts.  The foot itself is getting stronger, but it in no way done healing. It's simply been a tough week.  I came down with a cold Sunday evening, the day my wife returned home from a week away.  Meetings at work and an evening French Class final exam, meant I had to suck it up.  Then I spend two days on the couch with body aches that accompanied this knock me on my ass bug.  Yesterday, my first day back to work was full of meetings and I still felt a little off still on DayQuil (4th day in a row). Mid-morning it looked liked I had enough time to get in my noon recess but I my head wasn't into going to the Y.  Digging