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Showing posts with the label McGill

Living with the checklist

Loan application tasks, dental cleanings, weeding belongings, etc... Abigail and I are in checklist mode. Lucky for me, Abigail is a mastermind at planning and writes everything down in transition notebook. Today I will start a 'leaving McGill' and 'transition planning for Baylor.' For Baylor, I am going to try to do it via Microsoft OneNote. Actually i already have this notebook created, it's just empty.  Baylor has the full Microsoft suite of tools available. I am already using Teams with a few new colleagues. Returning from our trip, I am aware of the expectation for both leading and collaborating when I arrive. It's within that framework that I need to plan.   My morning stops at Second Cup are becoming essential.  My saying 'je voudrais un petit café ici' felt special. Here, I take the time to just breathe, sip a little café.  Sitting here, I am fully aware of the blessings that God has provided in coming to Montreal and the promise of more good to