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Showing posts from March, 2021

The healing process

 It's been six month's since the bicycle crash.  In the haze of the hospital, the thought was that I hit something in the road.  In the clarity of time, it's clear that I was a victim of a hit and run.  There was no way to explain the 6 fractures ribs in my upper left back.  With a forward motion on an open road, the only explaination is a truck hitting me, holding on tight to the handlebars I fell to the left side for a good slide.  During the slide, the helmet did the job of saving my life while did receive a severe concussion.  My memory is black from the time that I left my house on the bike until around 3 o'clock in the afternoon as I came to in the ICU.  The ribs healed fine aided by 3 titanium plates.  The muscle, tendons, and skin from the surgery, the chest tube, the broken collar bone, are the lingering healing.  Whether I regain all sensations on my side and left chest or not is still in question.  The rotation of the shoulder is the last bit of rehab that wi