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Offer made

We made another step toward getting a home in Waco.  Even though we have our house hunting trip scheduled for the 27th, we made an offer on our favorite house yesterday.  The stock of homes in our preferred price point is small.  Our list of possible home was around 16 with some of them already going to pending, we starting to get concerned our top choice might not be available for our visit.  The realtor we are working with, Cristy, has been excellent.  Earlier in the week, she facetimed with Abigail, going through the home.  Next Abigail was going to have Neil and Amber go down Sunday, facetime with them as they went through the home.  Yesterday morning, we decided that we didn't need Neil to go and Cristy did another facetime walkthough.  Friday night, we did the electronic signature program sign/initial the offer documents.  Now it's a waiting game.  We will still need to visit other homes on the top of our list in case the negotiations don't work out as we do have a hard limit on what we are willing to pay for this home.


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